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It was my honor, privilege, and pleasure to bear witness to a young gentleman from Orangetown, Michael RIZZO, of Scout Troop 2055, become an Eagle Scout, based in part on his contribution to “Rockland Homes For Heroes”, affordable supportive apartments for displaced and disabled Veterans. It was a very moving ceremony and gave me some more reassurance about our Nation’s future.

For his Eagle Scout Service Project, Michael J. Rizzo of Troop 2055 made improvements to the patio area of the Community Center at Rockland Homes for Heroes in Tappan, NY. He and his team members, over many hours in the sun, built decorative, stone flower boxes and filled a missing concrete section of the walkway.

Next, under a light rain, they filled the flower boxes with carefully chosen evergreens and perennials that would thrive with little maintenance requirements.  They also built and stained a picnic table over several more days. It was eventually secured beneath a shade tree on the site.

Rockland Homes for Heroes provides supportive, permanent housing for disabled and displaced Veterans. Michael was too young to understand why his father left home to serve our country in 2003, but he does remember how hard it was. This service project gives to those who need some assistance after giving to their country.

He is very proud to have had this opportunity to give back; his rank of Eagle Scout was approved on September 26, 2015.


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