On Sunday, 11/11/18, a group of Nyack children made signs and baked sweets to prepare for a Veterans Day fundraiser. On Monday, 11/12/18, kids spent the chilly afternoon working a booth in the parking lot of the Nyack Ambulance Corps. They enthusiastically waved signs and yelled out slogans to passing traffic. Then, the kids spoke to their many customers about why they were raising money for Homes for Heroes.
They explained that they chose to spend their holiday helping Veterans who helped our country. They explained the products available for sale, customized hot chocolate to order with the many toppings and choices stocked at the table, then made change and thanked their visitors for their donations.
Over $200 was raised in sales from their hot chocolate and sweets stand during the course of the afternoon!
These are the names of the 4th and 7th graders who volunteered their time and efforts to raise money to support Homes for Heroes:
- Ella Anderton
- Meetii Tufa
- Serafin Maier
- Reilly Maier
- Katie Place
- Madeleine Price
- Julia Anderton
- Tilly Schaefer

Youngsters operating “Hot Cocoa Stands” by the curb raising money for the “Rockland Homes For Heroes” Charity, serving our homeless veterans, and holding signs saying “We love our veterans” helps me believe that those who died or suffered in combat did not do so in vain but so that our children could live and be as happy as these children are in the photos. I am also reminded how much good there still is in this world.
These children may never know or understand how much they make life better.